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Tools for tag "TypeScript"

  1. Screenshot of TSDiagram


    Draft diagrams and visualize TypeScript relations.

    Added Dec 2023

    Made by

    • GitHub profile image of 3rd
    Go to TSDiagram
  2. Screenshot of ts-faker


    Generate fake data using TypeScript interfaces

    Added Dec 2021

    Made by

    • GitHub profile image of SirwanAfifi
    Go to ts-faker
  3. Screenshot of MakeTypes


    Generate TypeScript classes from JSON examples.

    Added Apr 2021

    Made by

    • GitHub profile image of jvilk
    Go to MakeTypes
  4. Screenshot of C# To TypeScript

    C# To TypeScript

    Convert C# Models, ViewModels and DTOs into their TypeScript equivalents.

    Added Mar 2020

    Made by

    • GitHub profile image of AdrianWilczynski
    Go to C# To TypeScript